Monday, December 29, 2008
Pattern Shapes Tutorial for Adobe Illustrator

Realistic Skull Illustrations
To use the resource first, you need to expand the *.ZIP archive and then load the *.AI file. Download.
In case this is not kind of skull illustrations are looking for, you can have a look at another vector skulls set here.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Vector Paisley Ornaments
If you wish to customize the color scheme, you can do so by ungrouping the object (Select All , Object>Ungroup) and change the fill and stroke colors. Download
Serif Christmas
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Satellite Dish Vector Illustration
To use / customize the illustration open the PDF file with Adobe Illustrator. Download
Friday, December 26, 2008
Mauna Kea Beach Hotel open

When asking for a hot deal rate quote for Keoki's birthday in March, the cheapest was Mountain view at $375/nt. on floors 5 - 8 and cheapest Oceanview Room at Beachfront Plumeria Beach Club on floors 1-4 was $625/nt. There was a Mountain View Package Deal for Room and Car for $450, which seems to be 'affordable' for Mauna Kea standards.
Mauna Kea Beach Hotel open

When asking for a hot deal rate quote for Keoki's birthday in March, the cheapest was Mountain view at $375/nt. on floors 5 - 8 and cheapest Oceanview Room at Beachfront Plumeria Beach Club on floors 1-4 was $625/nt. There was a Mountain View Package Deal for Room and Car for $450, which seems to be 'affordable' for Mauna Kea standards.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Hantaran Cake - Khairil & Saadiah

Kek ni adalah kek hantaran untuk wedding my bro - Khairil @ Abg Eril dengan pasangannya Saadiah. Majlis pernikahan pada hari krismas yang lalu (25 Dec 08) di JB. Abg saya request kek coklat dan decorationnya saya ikut idea sendiri.
Ni first time cube apply buat bunga royal icing setelah berkurun lama blaja dengan sifu Lynhassan tu. Dan sebab dah lama juga x buat bunga roses, memang banyak la bunga kene reject masa buat ni. Untuk deco ni, saya buat hampir 50 pcs bunga, sebab ni 1st time buat, so x dapat budget brapa bunga yg nak digunakan + buat extra sbb takut bunga pecah disaat akhir sebab bunga royal icing ni mudah pecah especially kalau belum btul2 kering.
Bunga2 tu banyak yg kembang kencup, x sekata bentuknya. Dalam gambar je yg nampak ok sket..hehe...Untuk topping tu, pada mulanya buat steam buttercream. Tapi disebabkan satu insiden yang berlaku ( air panas tertumpah atas peha ), dan steam buttercreamnya pon tertumpah ke lantai sekali...Dalam kesakitan kene air panas tu, kene siapkan gak kek tu. Jadi terpaksa buat kali ke-2 topping steam tu, tapi x brapa menjadi. So, last2 sapu je mcm cream biasa.
Alhamdulillah, dengan pertolongan my sis dan auntie (Cik Ros) kek tu siap sebelum kitaorg berangkat pergi ke majlis nikah di JB. To Abg Eril & Kak Saadi, 'Selamat Pengantin Baru, moga kekal hingga akhir hayat dan...moga cepat2 dapat baby :) '
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Birthday Cake - Intan Syafinaz

Intan from Cheras order Double Chocolate Cake sempena birthday mamanya (20 Dec 08). Intan nak simple decoration saja. Alhamdulillah, intan kate mama Intan suka kek tu. Thanks to Intan n Happy Birthday untuk mama Intan, moga dipanjangkan umur dan diberikan kesihatan yang berpanjangan'.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Vector Drips and Circles Pack for Adobe Illustrator
Those symbols might be useful if you are working on a project that conveys pop-art or disco styles.
To use, load the .AI file with Illustrator and open the symbols palette (Window>Symbols). Download
Carrot Cupcake - Adibah

Selamat Tahun Baru Islam (1430H) dan Masihi (2009) pada semua yang melayari laman blog ni. Terima kasih pada customer yang order dari Lovelycakes dan pelayar internet yang singgah disini. Mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan yang ada. Moga tahun ini kita dapat perbaiki kekurangan yang lalu dan mencapai impian masing-masing ....dan moga jalan kita semua dipermudahkan...AMIN
Maaf sebab hampir 2-3 minggu x update blog ni. Kesibukan kerja+tempahan menyebabkan keletihan dan x sempat nak update. Pada yang bertanya, maaf kalau pertanyaan lewat dijawab.
Order carrot cupcake dari Adibah ni dah lama , sebelum krismas yang lalu. Cuma sekarang baru berkesempatan nak update dalam blog. Adibah inginkan cupcake small 25 biji, katanya untuk di bawa pulang ke Melaka sempena cuti Krismas. Alhamdulillah, Adibah sukakannya.
Sejak akhir-akhir ni gambar yang diambil banyak x menjadi, asik blur je. Agaknya sebab penat buat kek, so bile ambil gambar tangan menggigil-gigil. Jadi hanya 2 gambar yang ok je dapat diupload.
Monday, December 22, 2008
The famous "Bar" suite by Christian Dior
This concept is part of Dior's first fashion design collection "New Look" (1947). More
2 tiers cake - Ayin

Kek 2 tingkat order dr Ayin adalah 1st tempahan kek 2 tingkat dr customer. Before this, x penah lagi buat kek 2 tingkat utk customer except utk wedding my sis last year.
Ayin request theme color white+green, hijau ni sama mcm tempahan dari Rohani. Learn from mistake yg saya buat utk kek rohani (refer previous topic), kek rohani tu sy buat agak rendah, jadi kali ni Alhamdulillah kek ni elok tinggi (dlm 3-4inch for each cake). Dan ni my 1st time buat bow-ribbon utk kek, Alhamdulillah menjadi tapi masa menguli doh gumpaste dan mewarnakannya tu mmg cukup mencabar, sbb adunan kali ni buat agak keras.
Ayin da siap2 request deco mcm sample gambar yg diberi, so saya follow deco tu dan ubah theme color sahaja. Kredit to original deco (*sorry sbb xde source gambar tu ambil dr mana). Ayin sponsor kek ni utk wedding best frennya di Negeri 9. Selamat Pengantin Baru to both of them, moga happy dan kekal hingga akhir hayat. To sweet Ayin : Thanks for the order :>
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Why Vector ?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sponge Vector Textures
You can try exploring possibilities with different Pathfinders and Shape Modes in Adobe Illustrator (Window>Pathfinder).
Note: To use, open the PDF file with Adobe Illustrator (File>Open>Choose File; Do not use click and drag). Download
Mele Kalikimaka
The 2008 Christmas is looking around the corner and we were wondering what we will do for Christmas at our blog. Well, the question was answered by receiving our annual year end reflections letter on life in Hawaii and life in general from one of our long time Big Island friends, Bill Jardine. Bill has been in real estate business in Hawaii for decades. He even shared his expansive knowledge in Hawaii real estate with our Hawaii blog visitors with two guest posts Hawaii Real Estate Market 2008 and Will falling Prices in Hawaii Real Estate attract new home buyers?
Bill is not only an excellent Hawaii realtor but we both sincerely admire his writing skills. So, here are Bill's Mele Kalikimaka greetings to us, to his friends and to all of you:
Mele Kalikimaka Christmas from Bill
"On the way into Kona this morning I was fighting waves of radio static by hip-hopping from station to station as heavy clouds drifted quietly toward the coast. The sea seemed to shimmer in the early light, as though it were waiting for a storm yet trying to enjoy the last of the sunlit eastern sky. It was one of those powerful scenes that we chance upon from time to time with our minds otherwise clouded with errands, regrets and hopes for the day ahead. This time I pushed the off-button on the radio, pulled over, rolled down the windows and let the cool morning air move through the cab of my old truck. Within seconds the cab filled with the sweet voice of Israel Kamakawiwo’ole, making the hair on my arms stand up. I guess I had pushed the wrong button and one of our Christmas cd’s came on! In that moment of disorientation I was struck by how incredibly lucky we are to have this blessed place be such an essential part of our lives.
...All the while the ocean stretches like a sleeping lover, perhaps feeling the deep sighs of the Humpback whales as they complete their long journey out of the arctic to roll and sing in the sapphire blue coastal waters shimmering under those gathering clouds. It is just fantastic to be here, to be healthy, and to be loved. This year Cathie, the kids and I are wishing you a part of all this. We want even the smallest gleam of the beauty of the Big Island to waken in your heart. We want even the slightest touch of Pele’s passionate fingers to light your cheeks and burn in your eyes. We hope the embrace of this Island paradise will refresh your soul and lead you to an embrace of your own, wherever you are.
There is just one thing that you cannot be forced to do, no matter how hard others may try to make you. You cannot be forced to love. That is because love is the essential element between you and your Creator, who loves you … just the way He made you. This Christmas we are wishing you love in every form, and may a joyful peace surround you and yours. Mele Kalikimaka, William N Jardine (R), Big Island Buyers Brokers"
We couldn't express our wishes to all of you better than this. Love and peace to all of you from Best Hawaii Vacations blog. Merry Christmas and Mele Kalikimaka, Pua and Keoki Hawaii Vacations

Have Fun in Hawaii at Christmas 2008
Christmas Vacation in Hawaii
Christmas on the Kohala Coast
Tags: Hawaii, Christmas in Hawaii, Mele Kalikimaka
Mele Kalikimaka
The 2008 Christmas is looking around the corner and we were wondering what we will do for Christmas at our blog. Well, the question was answered by receiving our annual year end reflections letter on life in Hawaii and life in general from one of our long time Big Island friends, Bill Jardine. Bill has been in real estate business in Hawaii for decades. He even shared his expansive knowledge in Hawaii real estate with our Hawaii blog visitors with two guest posts Hawaii Real Estate Market 2008 and Will falling Prices in Hawaii Real Estate attract new home buyers?
Bill is not only an excellent Hawaii realtor but we both sincerely admire his writing skills. So, here are Bill's Mele Kalikimaka greetings to us, to his friends and to all of you:
Mele Kalikimaka Christmas from Bill
"On the way into Kona this morning I was fighting waves of radio static by hip-hopping from station to station as heavy clouds drifted quietly toward the coast. The sea seemed to shimmer in the early light, as though it were waiting for a storm yet trying to enjoy the last of the sunlit eastern sky. It was one of those powerful scenes that we chance upon from time to time with our minds otherwise clouded with errands, regrets and hopes for the day ahead. This time I pushed the off-button on the radio, pulled over, rolled down the windows and let the cool morning air move through the cab of my old truck. Within seconds the cab filled with the sweet voice of Israel Kamakawiwo’ole, making the hair on my arms stand up. I guess I had pushed the wrong button and one of our Christmas cd’s came on! In that moment of disorientation I was struck by how incredibly lucky we are to have this blessed place be such an essential part of our lives.
...All the while the ocean stretches like a sleeping lover, perhaps feeling the deep sighs of the Humpback whales as they complete their long journey out of the arctic to roll and sing in the sapphire blue coastal waters shimmering under those gathering clouds. It is just fantastic to be here, to be healthy, and to be loved. This year Cathie, the kids and I are wishing you a part of all this. We want even the smallest gleam of the beauty of the Big Island to waken in your heart. We want even the slightest touch of Pele’s passionate fingers to light your cheeks and burn in your eyes. We hope the embrace of this Island paradise will refresh your soul and lead you to an embrace of your own, wherever you are.
There is just one thing that you cannot be forced to do, no matter how hard others may try to make you. You cannot be forced to love. That is because love is the essential element between you and your Creator, who loves you … just the way He made you. This Christmas we are wishing you love in every form, and may a joyful peace surround you and yours. Mele Kalikimaka, William N Jardine (R), Big Island Buyers Brokers"
We couldn't express our wishes to all of you better than this. Love and peace to all of you from Best Hawaii Vacations blog. Merry Christmas and Mele Kalikimaka, Pua and Keoki Hawaii Vacations

Have Fun in Hawaii at Christmas 2008
Christmas Vacation in Hawaii
Christmas on the Kohala Coast
Tags: Hawaii, Christmas in Hawaii, Mele Kalikimaka
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Blueberry Mousse Cake - Harfizah

Harfizah request Bluberry Mousse Cake untuk birthday her daughter Erinadia. Fizah nak kek dengan deco pooh & tiger, tapi xnak fondant cake. So, saya buat buttercream frosting (shocking pink). Mungkin dalam gambar ni x nampak shocking pink pon. Last minute, Fizah request untuk add extra text, but x sempat take picture lepas tambah text tu.
Cheap Interisland Flights
"Here is the good news. Island hopping has become affordable again. Mokulele Airlines offers some decent flight rates and Hawaiian Airlines - their recent rates were beyond reasonable - just followed suit and lowered their interisland rates to $61 one-way between Honolulu and all major Hawaiian airports. New Interisland rates started 11/19/2008."
Cheap Interisland Flights
"Here is the good news. Island hopping has become affordable again. Mokulele Airlines offers some decent flight rates and Hawaiian Airlines - their recent rates were beyond reasonable - just followed suit and lowered their interisland rates to $61 one-way between Honolulu and all major Hawaiian airports. New Interisland rates started 11/19/2008."
Vector Raglan T-Shirt Template
The template contains two detailed front and back illustrations. You can easily customize their color and the shades by opening the PDF file with Adobe Illustrator and experiment with different fill colors and gradients. Download
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hilo or Kona?
Yes, all the people who told you that Kona is on the dry side, West Coast of the Big Island, and Hilo is on the wetter, rainier East Coast, are definitely right. For this obvious reason Kona has more ocean front hotels and therefore is much more touristy than Hilo and Hilo area.. But isn't that what you have come for...sunny and dry weather in order to escape the rain from the Mainland!

Here are a few recommendation. Unless you really love the tropical rain forest and prefer black sand beach - there are no white sand beaches on the East coast - which are typical features of Hilo and area, decide for a West coast vacation!
No need to stay in touristy Kona, which can be at times quite 'voggy' (looks like fog but are fumes from our active volcano). Stay north of Kona, on the sunny Kohala Coast. Admittedly, the Kohala Coast resorts are quite expensive but there are quite a number of vacation rentals close to the best white sand beaches, Hapuna and Mauna Kea Beach!
The Kohala Coast has great snorkel spots in Puako. If you want to explore Kealakekua Bay, our best Big Island snorkel area, it's a short 30min drive to Honokahau Harbor where all the Kona snorkel ships take off.
When staying on the Kohala Coast, you can do a day trip to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Take the route via Waimea and Hilo (or even stay 2 nights in Hilo area), which is longer but straighter than the very curvy Kona one and passes all the best Big Island sights like Waipio Valley.
After your long adventurous day to the Park, stay a night or two in Volcano. There are wonderful Volcano places near Hawaii Volcanoes National Park with jacuzzi where you can rest and recuperate from a day of Big Island adventure.
Enjoy the movie at the Visitor's Center, the Thurston Lava Tubes and of course, the fireworks of Madame Pele...hot lava flowing into the ocean and shooting up into the skies. Wow!
After all those exciting adventures, you will be happy when you are back lying on the warm sunny Hapuna beach. Have a wonderful Big Island vacation in Kona, Hilo and the Kohala Coast. Aloha, Pua Hawaii Vacation Kona and Hawaii Vacation Hilo
Hilo or Kona?
Yes, all the people who told you that Kona is on the dry side, West Coast of the Big Island, and Hilo is on the wetter, rainier East Coast, are definitely right. For this obvious reason Kona has more ocean front hotels and therefore is much more touristy than Hilo and Hilo area.. But isn't that what you have come for...sunny and dry weather in order to escape the rain from the Mainland!

Here are a few recommendation. Unless you really love the tropical rain forest and prefer black sand beach - there are no white sand beaches on the East coast - which are typical features of Hilo and area, decide for a West coast vacation!
No need to stay in touristy Kona, which can be at times quite 'voggy' (looks like fog but are fumes from our active volcano). Stay north of Kona, on the sunny Kohala Coast. Admittedly, the Kohala Coast resorts are quite expensive but there are quite a number of vacation rentals close to the best white sand beaches, Hapuna and Mauna Kea Beach!
The Kohala Coast has great snorkel spots in Puako. If you want to explore Kealakekua Bay, our best Big Island snorkel area, it's a short 30min drive to Honokahau Harbor where all the Kona snorkel ships take off.
When staying on the Kohala Coast, you can do a day trip to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Take the route via Waimea and Hilo (or even stay 2 nights in Hilo area), which is longer but straighter than the very curvy Kona one and passes all the best Big Island sights like Waipio Valley.
After your long adventurous day to the Park, stay a night or two in Volcano. There are wonderful Volcano places near Hawaii Volcanoes National Park with jacuzzi where you can rest and recuperate from a day of Big Island adventure.
Enjoy the movie at the Visitor's Center, the Thurston Lava Tubes and of course, the fireworks of Madame Pele...hot lava flowing into the ocean and shooting up into the skies. Wow!
After all those exciting adventures, you will be happy when you are back lying on the warm sunny Hapuna beach. Have a wonderful Big Island vacation in Kona, Hilo and the Kohala Coast. Aloha, Pua Hawaii Vacation Kona and Hawaii Vacation Hilo
Art Noveau Flower Pattern

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Fondant Hantaran Cake - Ida

Kek Hantaran Fondant order dari Ida untuk majlis perkahwinannya di Pahang last week. 'Selamat Pengantin Baru' untuk Ida dan pasangannya. Moga kekal hingga ke akhir hayat.
Swirl Cupcake - Kak Nad

Swirl Cupcake (buttercream frosting) order dari Kak Nad - Bandar Sri Permaisuri. Kak Nad order sebelum raya haji aritu, tapi ni bari berkesempatan nak upload. Cupcake ni Kak Nad order untuk gathering dan sempena bosnya nak berpindah ke NZ. To Kak Nad : thanks for the order n sorry sebab x dapat sembang panjang masa akak pick up tu sbb lrt da sampai ;)